The Moorish Cultural SEE Program: Step 1: Moorish Harlem
The Moorish Cultural Social Economic Education Program wants to spread a message of Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom, Justice, Self Sufficiency, Independence, Patriotism and especially Nationality and Race Pride in a beautiful bundle of faith, hope and compassion. We are taking the necessary steps to preserve our ancient customs, culture, traditions and religion as well as propagate it for the mental, spiritual, educational and economic uplifting of fallen and gentrified Harlem.
What Good are Soldiers without a Mission?
The Moorish Cultural SEED is designed to foster Nationality and Race pride within our (the Moorish referred to as negroes) community, reestablishing our ancestral connections and uniting us with our Forefather's inherited principles of Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom and Justice. We identify the negro problem as an issue that can only be addressed by ourselves acknowledging our Free National Name and our citizenship as Moorish - Americans in order to uplift fallen humanity as our antecedents. We praise Allah, The One, imitating our Prophets, Messengers, and Guides such as Prophet Noble Drew Ali, Messenger Elijah Muhammad, Father Clarence 13X Allah, etc. We will institute strong financial/economic foundation, infrastructure and a treasury, also normalize the customs of our ancestors such as: the observation of Friday, the Holy Day and adherence to and enforcement of the laws of government in which we live, in support of our United States Constitution and religion of Peace, properly pronounced “Islam” in our native language, transliterated and anglicized to English as Islamism
(The Practice of Peace)- The Old Time Religion.
This program enables all Asiatics branded with derogatory terms deluding to slavery or otherwise misnomers to Proclaim their Nationality and Divine Creed so that the world know that we will no longer accept misnomers and epithets deluding to slavery such as, yet not limited to negro, colored, black, Ethiopian, Indian, West Indian, Jew, Native American, Puerto Rican, Native Hawaiian, Eskimo, Moreno, Mestizo, Mulatto, Latino, Hispanic, African American, or whatever name the United States cares to bestow upon us this decade: For we know that we are truly the descendants of the Ancient Moabites whom inhabited the North West and South West shores of Africa, and all the Americas from ancient times up to the present day here – On the Island of “Manhattan”- an ancient Moorish designation, still inhabited by those referred to as Lenne Lenape, Shinnecock, Mohawk, Seneca, Cherokee, Blackfoot, and African American.
We maintain a safe social space for the promotion and preservation of our culture, the empowering of our people via adequate education and the atmosphere to produce economically sound industrial acts. We will reach out to every home in Harlem in search of Asiatics to assist, beginning with all the housing (NYCHA) in order to reestablish a true and strong spiritual, physical, and political community in our village (Harlem).
Your brother,
Lord MurkEl
Founder and Director of the Moorish Cultural Social Economic Education Program
(Moorish Harlem)
Founder, Director, Angel of Allah
The Director of The Moorish Cultural Social Economic Education Program is not a stranger in or to Harlem. Returning after nearly 5 years of inactivity and finding dissatisfaction in the progress (or lack thereof) in the Moorish Movement, no time has been wasted to provide the Moors with what is needed in the community: a Program focused on the Culture, Economic Upliftment, and ReEducation of the Moors, specific services for Moorish Children and Sisters, and a safe space for Moors to be Themselves. The first Social Welfare Organization for the Moors in the last 100 years was founded with the express purpose of Uplifting Fallen Asiatics. All of Humanity could use some help, undoubtedly. We’re here specifically for the Moorish-Americans. We started March 2020 the week before the shelter in place order.
1 hr
200 US dollars15 min
50 US dollars15 min
50 US dollars
Apply to The Moorish Cultural Social Economic Education Directive to learn more about our work and how to Actively Proclaim Your Nationality With Us
107 W 130th St
New York, New York County 10027